What is a Room Parent?
Room Parents serve as a critical liaison between the teachers and the class parents. Robertson Elementary and our children want you to be part of their education and community!

What does a Room Parent do throughout the year?
● Provide information to class parents for volunteer opportunities and holiday parties with email drafts provided by the PTA
● Support your teacher in weekly folders or execution of classroom materials, if requested.
● Coordinate the Winter, Valentine's Day, and End-of-Year parties with pre-planned materials provided by PTA.
● Share opportunities for class parents to bring a lunch/snack or Birthday treat for your teacher.
● BECOME A MEMBER OF PTA! This is an online registration and doesn't require you to volunteer for other events.
● Robertson PTA will guide you through the year with email templates and online sign-up tools, as well as tips for breaking projects into tasks and getting lots of help from the class parents.

Interested for this year or next? Please fill out our interest form here: Room Parent Interest Form or email RobertsonVolunteer@gmail.com for more information.


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Why join the PTA?

Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!

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